It's a blog!
Welcome to my new baby, Ask Uncle Marty.
I hope that this forum will allow me to express some of what's on my mind and in my heart. Not everything will be cerebral, but that's what blogs are for.
For a few years now, I've had the honor of writing feature articles and an industry-related advice column, Ask Uncle Marty, for MBC Today, one of the retail shipping industry's leading publications.
However, there's so much more to write about than just shipping and shipping stores. So I'm expanding my horizons and taking Ask Uncle Marty worldwide with a blog. If all goes according to my master plan, I'll soon be picked up for global syndication. (wink)
Please understand that, while I have lots of opinions, they're simply just opinions. You can take them or leave them; I don't expect everyone in our delightfully diverse world to share my mindset.
Writing is therapeutic. At least, it is for me.
Let's begin.
#HereWeGo #StartHere #AskUncleMarty